Driving Business Toward Sustainability To Esg Principles

The Company is determined to operate the business based on the vision of making steps towards leadership and sustainable growth.

Important missions include to be a leader in leasing business with a variety of assets and to expand business into other regions stably and sustainably by adhering to ethics and social responsibilities with customer centric approach.

The Company has placed importance on managing its business based on sustainable business ideas covering Environmental Dimension, Social Dimension, and Governance Dimension (ESG)

In order to manage the aforesaid risks occurring and affecting the Company’s business operations and stakeholders in the supply chain. Thus, the Company has driven business for sustainability in the 3 dimensions, as follows:


Promoting products using eco-friendly energy

The Company shall lease out assets using clean energy in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Electric Vehicle
EV Truck
Solar Rooftop

Reducing energy consumption at work by means of digital transformation

E-Document, E-Approve Online
Work From Anywhere, Co-working Space
Reducing electricity and paper use

Creating awareness and knowledge to employees for environmental conservation

The Company shall lease out assets using clean energy in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Sorting waste before disposal
Switching off electrical appliances/air conditioners when not in use
Sorting dishes before washing


The Company has insisted on operating the business under the policies that lead to the achievement of social goals set by the Company and under COVID-19 pandemic circumstances impacting the society at large in order to ensure effectiveness.

Taking into account human rights
The employees shall be treated fairly without discrimination. In addition, occupational health and environmental safety shall be managed in relevant circumstances.
  • Developing service provision, building customer satisfaction, taking into account corporate responsibility to customers.
Placing importance on treating business partners properly and fairly under supplier code of conduct of the company,
starting from procurement process including service provision process until lease contracts expire to ensure honesty, transparency, and verifiability.
Encouraging community service and environmental conservation projects and activities
to ensure that relevant communities can be self-reliant and sustainable, as well as taking part in problem solving and creating livable communities.


Taking into account operation of business in accordance with good corporate governance principles and driving business for sustainability
The Company shall determine organization structure by connecting relationships among the shareholders, the Board of Directors and the top management, as well as separate power and determine roles, duties and responsibilities explicitly.

Related Documents
Good Corporate Governance Policy
Article of Association