SET Announcements
06 February 2012
Notification of the Information on the Issuance of the Debentures
17 November 2011
Appointment The Director
14 November 2011
Reviewed Quarter 3 F/S (F45-1)
14 November 2011
Financial Statement Quarter 3/2011
27 September 2011
Notification of the Information on the Issurance of the debentures
15 August 2011
Reviewed Quarter 2 F/S (F45-1)
15 August 2011
Financial Statement Quarter 2/2011
01 August 2011
The Resignation ot The Directors
04 July 2011
Notification of the Information on the Issuance of the Debenture
13 May 2011
Reviewed Quarter 1 F/S (F45-1)
13 May 2011
Financial Statement Quarter 1/2011
28 April 2011