14 สิงหาคม 2544
A/C 00148/2001
August 14, 2001
Managing Director
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Re: Clarification of the company net profit change more than 20 % for the third
interim financial statement for the period ended June 30,2001 when compared to the
same period of the previous year.
The company operating result which show net profit amount of Baht 18.80 million for the
third interim financial statements for the period ended June 30,2001 increase from the same period
of the previous year by Baht 3.75 million or 24.91% which exceed 20 %. We would like to explain
the cause of this change as follows:
1. The revenue from rental income increase by Baht 19.31 million or 12.47% because of
increase in business volume.
2. The revenue from sale of assets and others income increase by Baht 4.70 million or
40.55% from the previous year.
3. The direct rental cost and expenses increase by Baht 12.37 million or 8.67 % from the
previous year.
Hence, the operating result of the company net profit was 24.91% more than the previous
(Krirkchai Siribhakdi)