25 สิงหาคม 2549
Additional Information the establishment of a subsidiary
No. 282/2006
August 25, 2006
The President
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Subject : Additional Information the establishment of a subsidiary
Phatra Leasing Public Company Limited would like to report the
information concerning the establishment of a subsidiary as to comply
with the Notification of the Stock Exchange of Thailand regarding the
information disclosure as following details :-
1. Name of new subsidiary :
Plus Center CO., LTD
2. Transaction period :
Phatra Leasing Public Company Limited has purchases and fully
paid for ordinary shares on July,27 2006
3. Type of business :
To provide vehicle fleet management services
4. Transaction objectives :
To expand the business
Expected to start operation by January 1, 2007
5. Registered capital :
Baht 10 Million divided into 1 Million ordinary shares.
The par value of Baht 10.
The registration with the Ministry of Commerce on June 6, 2006
6. Shareholding proportion :
Phatra Leasing Public Company Limited has invested in the
ordinary shares totally of 999,993 shares equivalent to 99%
of total ordinary shares.
7. The investment value :
Total amount of Baht 9,999,930
8. Source of fund for investment :
Working capital.
9. The benefits of the transaction to the Company :
To expand the business a scope of Phatra Leasing
Public Company Limited
10. Transaction size (%) :
The transaction accounted for approximately 0.21% of the total
assets of the company as of June 30, 2006
The aforementioned transaction size is not classified as any
transaction class under the Notification of the Stock Exchange of
Thailand regarding Rules, Procedures and Disclosure of Acquisition
and Disposition of Assets of Listed Company. Nevertheless, the Company
is required to disclose the aforementioned information to the Stock Exchange
of Thailand as per the Notification of the Stock Exchange of Thailand
regarding Rules, Conditions and Procedures of information disclosure and
Practices of Listed Company.
Please be informed accordingly,
Sincerely yours,
(Mr. Krirkchai Siribhakdi)