30 November 1998


PL 3096/2541 November 27, 1998 To : The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject : Notification of the Boards resolution of Phatra Leasing PLC. With reference to the Board of Directors meeting of Phatra Leasing PLC. No. 6/2541 held on November 27, 1998 at 3.00 PM., the Board has acknowledged and resolved as follows : 1. Acknowledged the resignation of the director as follow : Mr.Sawai Yakardkanong Director, effective from November 2, 1998. 2. Resolved to appoint the director in place of director's resignation as follow : Mr.Vasant Chariyatantiwate Therefore, to follow the regulations, conditions, and procedures for public announcement of registered company, we would like to inform you in this matter. Yours respectfully. (Mr.Krirkchai Siribhakdi) President