18 May 1999


-Form57 (Y2K)- Preparation to resolve the Year2000 impact. Company Phatra Leasing Public Company Limited. Type of Business " Leasing ". Head Office located at 252/6 29th Fl. Muang Thai-Phatra Complex 1, Rachadaphisek Rd., HuayKwang, Bangkok 10320 Thailand. Telephone (662) 693-2288 Fax (662) 693-2299. Submitting the report concerning the preparation to resolve the Year2000 impact. The 4 th report submitted as of 31 March 1999 Y2K Implementation Progress During the previous implementation period, the company has presented executive and employees to be aware of Y2K potential problems, assessed the Year 2000 impact on the company. Core business areas and processes has been identified. Systems supporting the core business areas, inventoried, analyzed and prioritized their conversion or replacement. The implementation plan is also included. Moreover, the company has tested, verified, and validated converted or replaced platforms, applications, databases, and utilities. Tested and implemented the performance, functionality, and integration of converted or replaced most of the platforms, applications, databases, utilities, and interfaces in an operational environment. The company is currently developping "Contingency Plan", a little delay from the implementation plan. Therefore the target completion date has been postponed from March 1999 to June 1999. Expenses incurred for the preparation from the beginning is approximately 600,000 baht. Since the company has tested, verified, and validated converted or replaced platforms, applications, databases, and utilities, which might be impact from The Year2000. The company assesses that the Year2000 will not impact or insignificantly impact the company's operation. Therefore the company would cease submitting this report from now. Management Conclusion The company has started implementing plan to resolve the Year2000 impacts since June 1998. It was assessed that the Year2000 will not impact or insignificantly impact the company's operation. It is projected to be fully completed with the contingency plan by June 1999. We have reviewd this document and agree that all details and information in this document are presented on a need to know basis, and to the best of our knowledge the information are correct, complete, truthful and does not contain any misleading information which may cause any damage or loss to the shareholders. Mrs.Bunjarat Suharitdamrong has been deligated by the board of directors to verify the details in this document. Her signature must appear on every pages of the document to signify the authentication of the document. This document is a translated version and should be distributed together with the original Thai version for reference. Name Position Signature 1. Mr. Banthoon Lamsam Chairman of the Board As per the original Thai version 2. Mr. Visal Khongkha Director "" 3. Mr. Vinai Punyarattabandhu Director "" 4. Mr. Luxaman Bunnag Director "" 5. Mr. Vasant Chariyatantiwate Director "" 6. Mr. Krirkchai Siribhakdi Managing Director "" Authorised Representative Name Position Signature Mrs.Bunjarat Suharitdamrong VP. Business Development & Technology Office As per the original Thai version