06 October 2004
Information for the Issuance of the Debentures
AC .0391/2547
October 6 ,2004
Subject : Information for the Issuance of the Debentures
To : President
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
According to the Shareholders' Meeting held on January 29,2004 ,the meeting has passed the resolution
regarding the issuance and offering the Debenture amounting up to Baht 5,000 Million and the 3 rd/ 2004 Board of
Director's meeting held on August 19 ,2004 has resolution assigned the President to be empower authorized person
who consider,stipulate or determinate term and conditions which relative for debenture issuance amounting upto
Baht 1,000 Million. Phatra Leasing Public Company Limited would like to inform for the Issuance of the Debentures
as follows.
1) Name of Debenture Debentures of Phatra Leasing Public Company Limited No. 2/2547
due A.D. 2008
2) Debenture Feature Name registered ,Unsubordianated,Unsecured
Without debenture holders' representative
3) Offering method Private Placement to Institutional Investors
4) Offering amount 400,000 Unit
5) Par Value 1,000 Baht per Unit
6) Offering price per unit 1,000 Baht per Unit
7) Total amount 400,000,000 Baht
8) Issued Date October 6 ,2004
9) Interest RateFixed Rate 5.00 % per annum
10) Tenor 4 Years 1 Day
Yours Sincerely
Krirkchai Siribhakdi