06 January 2005
Report on the resolutionof the Board of Director's Meeting
No. 018/2005
5 January 2005
To: The President
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Subject: Report on the resolutions of the Board of Directors' Meeting
and the date fixed for the Annual General Shareholders Meeting for the
year 2005 and the date fixed for the dividend entitlement
Enclosure: Capital Increase Report Form
The Board of Directors' Meeting of Phatra Leasing Public Company Limited (the
Company) No. 1/2548 held on 5 January 2005 at 10.00 a.m.at mai
conference room, Phatra Leasing Public Company Limited, 252/6 29th floor
Muang Thai Phatra Complex 1,Ratchadapisek Road, Huay Kwang, Bangkok,
10320 has passed the important resolutions which can be summarized as follows:
1. Approved the dividend payment to the shareholders whose name
appeared in the Share Register Book on 19 January 2005 at 12.00 noon
at the rate of Baht 3.50 per share (in case the par value of the shares
of the Company is Baht 10 per share) orat the rate of Baht 0.35 per share
(in case the par value of the shares of the Company has been changed to
Baht 1 per share), totalling Baht 105,000,000, and the dividend payment
shall be made by 7 February 2005. In this regard, the Company has
fully appropriated its legal reserve. And the matter shall be submitted
to the Annual General Shareholders Meeting for the year 2005 for
consideration and approval.
2. Approved the change of the par value of the shares of the Company
from Baht 10 to Baht 1 per share. And the matter shall be submitted
to the Annual General Shareholders Meeting for the year 2005 for
consideration and approval.
3. Approved the amendment to Clause 4 of the Memorandum of
Association of the Company with respect to the registered capital
of the Company to be in line with the change of the par value of the
shares to be as follows:
Clause 4.
Registered capital of Baht 300,000,000 (Three Hundred Million Baht)
divided into 300,000,000 shares (Three Hundred Million shares)
with a par value of Baht 1 (One Baht) each,
categorized into
ordinary shares in the
number of 300,000,000 shares (Three Hundred Million shares),
preference shares in the
number of - shares (-shares)
And the matter shall be submitted to the Annual General Shareholders
Meeting for the year 2005 for consideration and approval.
4. Approved the increase of the registered capital of the Company
in the amount of Baht 150,000,000 from the existing registered
capital of Baht 300,000,000 to the new registered capital of
Baht 450,000,000 by issuing 150,000,000 new ordinary shares
at a par value of Baht 1 each. And the matter shall be submitted
to the Annual General Shareholders Meeting for the year 2005 for
consideration and approval.
5. Approved the amendment to Clause 4 of the Memorandum of
Association of the Company with respect to the registered capital of
the Company to be in line with the increase of the registered capital
of the Company to be as follows:
Clause 4. Registered capital of Baht 450,000,000
(Four Hundred and FiftyMillion Baht)
divided into 450,000,000 shares
(Four Hundred and Fifty Million shares)
with a par value of Baht 1 (One Baht) each,
categorized into
ordinary shares in the number of 450,000,000 shares
(Four Hundred and Fifty Million shares),
preference shares in the number of - shares (-shares)
And the matter shall be submitted to the Annual General
Shareholders Meeting for the year 2005 for consideration and approval.
6. Approved the allocation of 150,000,000 new ordinary shares
with the par value of Baht 1 each to existing shareholders by
way of rights issue proportionately as a whole or in part by one
tranche or several tranches with the following details:
(a) The offering price shall be in the range between 60%
and 70% of the market price calculated by weighted average of
the Companys shares trading on the Stock Exchange of Thailand at
the time as specified by the Board of Directors (Offering Price Range).
However, the Board of Directors shall have power to amend the Offering
Price Range as they deem necessary and appropriate by taking
into account mainly the market situation at the time of offering.
(b) The Board of Directors shall be authorized to determine
the terms, conditions and offering details, such as the closing date
of the Share Register Book to determine the right of the shareholders
to subscribe for the new shares (XR), the subscription ratio,
the offering price, the subscription period, and other
details relating to and necessary for the offering of the right
issue shares to the existing shareholders.
(c) In case there are remaining shares as a result of
the determination of subscription ratio and/or unsubscribed share
remaining from the subscription by the existing shareholders,
the Board of Directors shall have the power and discretion to
offer such remaining shares to existing shareholders
proportionately to their shareholding, including to determine the terms,
conditions and offering details such as the closing date of
the Share Register Book to determine the right of the shareholders
to subscribe for the new shares (XR), the subscription ratio,
the offering price, the subscription period and
other details relating to and necessary for the offering
of the right issue shares to the existing shareholders.
And the matter shall be submitted to the Annual General Shareholders
Meeting for the year 2005 for consideration and approval.
7. Approved the amendment to Articles 4 and 8 of the Articles of
Association of the Company and adding Article 46 to the Articles of
Association of the Company as follows:
(1) Articles 4 and 8 shall be repealed and replaced with the
following wording
Article 4 Shares of the Company shall be ordinary shares with a par
value of Baht 1 per share.
Article 8 The Company shall not own its shares or take them in
pledge except in the case where the Company repurchases its shares from the
shareholders (treasury stocks) pursuant to the Public Limited
Companies Act (No. 2) B.E. 2544 and the notification of the Board of
Governors of the Stock Exchange of Thailand relating to disclosure of
information and any act of a listed company in the case the listed
company repurchases its own shares and disposes of such repurchased
The repurchase of shares and the disposition of shares, including the
decrease of the registered shares shall be made in accordance with the
rules and procedures specified in the applicable ministerial
(2) Article 46 shall be added as follows:
Article 46 In case the Company or its subsidiary makes
a decision to enter into a connected transactions or transactions
concerning the acquisition and disposition of substantial assets
of the Company or the subsidiary pursuant to the definitions and
regulations prescribed under the notifications of the Stock Exchange
of Thailand enforcing on the connected transactions of a listed company
or the acquisition and disposition of substantial assets of
a listed company, as the case maybe, the Company shall comply with
the regulations and procedures as stipulated by the said notifications
which require the Company to proceed in connection with such matters.
And authorized the authorized directors or any person entrusted
by the authorized directors to have power to amend and/or add wording
in the said Articles of Association pursuant to the order of the
Public Limited Companies Registrar, the Office of the Securities
and Exchange Commission and the Stock Exchange of Thailand and/or
other competent officers, and the matter shall be submitted to the
Annual General Shareholders Meeting for the year 2005 for consideration
and approval.
8. Fixed the date of the Annual General Shareholders Meeting for
the year 2005 to be on 31 January 2005 at 10.00 a.m. at Wimankaew Room,
4th Floor, The Grand Hotel, Ratchadapisek Road, Huay Kwang, Bangkok,
10320 to consider the matters according to the following agenda:
Agenda 1 To consider and approve the minutes of the Annual General
Shareholders Meeting for the year 2004
Agenda 2 To consider and acknowledge the report on the result
of business
operation of the Company for the year 2004
Agenda 3 To consider and approve the Balance Sheet and the Profit
and Loss Statements of the Company for the fiscal year ended 30 September
Agenda 4 To consider and approve the payment of dividend
Agenda 5 To consider and reappoint directors in place of those who
retired by rotation
(1) Mr. Poomchai Lamsam
(2) Mr. Poonpipat Aungurigul
(3) Mr. Krirkchai Siribhakdi
And to fix the authorized signatories
Two authorized directors co-signatories with the Companys seal
Agenda 6 To consider and approve the payment of the remuneration
of directors
Agenda 7 To consider and appoint the auditors as follows:
(1) Mr. Vairoj Jindamaneepitak, Registration No. 3565 and/or
(2) Mr. Charoen Phosamritlert, Registration No. 4068 and/or
(3) Miss Kalyarat Chaivorapongsa, Registration No. 3460
of KPMG Phoomchai Audit Ltd.and fix their remuneration for the year 2005
at Baht 660,000
Agenda 8 To consider and approve the change of the par value of
the shares of the Company from Baht 10 to Baht 1 per share
Agenda 9 To consider and approve the amendment to Clause 4 of the
Memorandum of Association of the Company with respect to the
registered capital of the Company to be in line with the change of the
par value of the shares
Agenda 10 To consider and approve the increase of the registered
capital of the Company in the amount of Baht 150,000,000 from the existing
registered capital of Baht 300,000,000 to the new registered capital of
Baht 450,000,000 by issuing 150,000,000 new ordinary shares at a par
value of Baht 1 each
Agenda 11 To consider and approve the amendment to Clause 4 of the
Memorandum of Association of the Company with respect to the
registered capital of the Company to be in line with the increase of the
registered capital of the Company
Agenda 12 To consider and approve the allocation of the new ordinary
shares from the increase of the registered capital of the Company
Agenda 13 To consider and approve the amendment to the Articles
of Association of the Company by amending Articles 4 and 8 and adding
Article 46
Agenda 14 Other business (if any)
9. Approved that the closing date of the Share Register Book
to determine the right of the shareholders to attend the Annual
General Shareholders Meeting for the year 2005 (XM) and
the closing date of the Share Register Book to determine the right of the
shareholders to receive dividend (XD) be on 19 January 2005
from 12.00 noon until the shareholders meeting is adjourned.
Please be informed accordingly,
Sincerely yours,
(Mr. Krirkchai Siribhakdi)
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