21 July 2005

The subscribe for new ordinary shares & the closing date

No. 585/2005 20 July 2005 To: The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject: Report on the resolutions of the Board of Directors' Meeting No. 3/2005 The Board of Directors' Meeting of Phatra Leasing Public Company Limited (the "Company") No. 3/2005 held on 20 July 2005 at 10.00 a.m., has passed the important resolutions which can be summarized as follows: 1. The shareholders of the Company shall have the right to subscribe for the new ordinary shares at the subscription ratio of 2 existing shares to 1 new share whereby any fraction of share shall be disregarded, and there shall not be any subscription of shares in excess of the rights, at Baht 2.30 per share. The offering price was calculated from the weighted average price of the Company's shares trading on the Stock Exchange of Thailand during 15 business days prior to the date of this Board of Directors' Meeting,not including the date of the Board of Directors' Meeting. The subscription period shall be from 29 August 2005 to 2 September 2005 (totaling 5 business days) .In case there are remaining shares as a result of the determination of subscription ratio and/orunsubscribed shares remaining from the subscription by the existing shareholders, the Board of Directors shall have the power and discretion to consider the allotment of such remaining unsubscribed shares to the existing shareholders by way of rights issue, and Mr. Krirkchai Siribhakdi, the President, shall be authorized to have the power to do any acts and things necessary and relating to the issuance of the new ordinary shares andthe offering to the existing shareholders in all respects as well as any amendments to the conditions of suchoffering of new ordinary shares,including but not limited to, the offering price and the subscription period by taking into account the marketsituation at the time of offering of new ordinary shares and the benefits of the Company. 2. Approved the closing date of the Share Register Book to determine the right of the shareholders to subscribe for the new shares (XR) to be on 11 August 2005 at 12.00 noon. Please be informed accordingly, Sincerely yours, (Mr. Krirkchai Siribhakdi) President