05 January 2007

Change in major shareholder

No. 002/2007 January 4, 2007 The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject : Change in major shareholder Phatra Leasing Public Company Limited (The Company) would like to inform that as Kasikornbank Public Company Limited has reported to The Stock Exchange of Thailand on December 29, 2006 regarding its transferring of Phatra Leasing PCL's common stocks to Muang Thai Life Assurance Company Limited by entering into the agreement dated December 29, 2006 and transaction agreed payment on January 4, 2007 The Company would like to clarify the major shareholders structure of the Company before and after the transaction as follows : The major shareholders structure of Company as of the share register book closing date on January 10, 2006 No. of Share % of total paid-up capital 1. Phatra Insurance Public Company Limited 39,000,000 8.72 2. Kasikornbank Public Company Limited 37,849,500 8.46 3. Muang Thai Life Assurance Company Limited 30,000,000 6.71 The major shareholders structure of the Company after the transaction No. of Share % of total paid-up capital 1. Muang Thai Life Assurance Company Limited 65,627,900 14.67 2. Phatra Insurance Public Company Limited 39,000,000 8.72 The Company would like to inform that this change will not affect to any of the Company's operations. In fact Muang Thai Life Assurance Company Limited is a related party as it is the Company's shareholder and partly has the same directors The major shareholders Structure of Muang Thai Life Assurance Company Limited is as follows : Nationality % of total paid-up capital 1. Muang Thai Fortis Holding Company Limited Thailand 74.99 2. Fortis Insurance International N.V Dutch 25.00 Please be informed accordingly, Sincerely yours, (Mr. Krirkchai Siribhakdi) President