14 August 2009
Appointment the Independence Director
August 14, 2009
To Director and Managing Director
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Appointment The Independence Director
The Board of Directors' Meeting of Phatra Leasing Public Company
Limited No. 3/2009 held on August,14 2009, has passed the resolutions which
can be summarized as follows:
For the reason of improving the appropriate element of the committee,
the board ofdirectors agreed to appoint one more aforementioned director who
meets all qualifications and has independence as per the requirements of S.E.C
and The Stock Exchange of Thailand which is Mr. Pongtep Polanun and the
appointment of which shall take an effect as of August 14,2009
The Company hereby certifies that the aforementioned director meet
all the qualifications prescribed by the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
Please be informed accordingly
Yours sincerely
Mr. Pipop Kunasol