SET Announcements
13 May 2005
Reviewed Quarter 2 F/S (F45-1)
13 May 2005
Financial Statement Quarter 2/2005
22 March 2005
Resignation and Appointment of Company's Director
15 February 2005
Change in Par value of "PL"
14 February 2005
Reviewed Quarter 1 F/S (F45-1)
14 February 2005
Financial Statement Quarter 1/2005
11 February 2005
Notice of the change of the value and increase the registred
01 February 2005
Minutes of the Resolution General Meeting of shareholders
06 January 2005
Capital increase report form
06 January 2005
Report oftheappointing the Audit Committee
06 January 2005
Report on the resolutionof the Board of Director's Meeting
29 November 2004