18 ธันวาคม 2539


Phatra Leasing Plc (PL) announced that its board of derctors had resolved at the 7/1996 meeting, held on December 17, 1996 to pay dividend, details as follows: 1. To set the closing date of the registration book for December 30, 1996, at 12.00 am., to give right to shareholders in meeting participation and to receive dividend. 2. To schedule the date for shareholders' annual general meeting on January 21, 1997 at 4.00 pm on which these following agenda issues would be considered: 1) To certify the minutes of the shareholders' ordinary meeting for 1996. 2) To listen to board of directors' report on company's performance in 1996. 3) To consider the balance sheet and profit & loss statement ended September 30, 1996. 4) To consider profit allocatio and dividend payment for 1996 5) To elect new directors to succeed those retired on period basis. 6) To select auditor and determine auditing fee. 7) To set directors' bonus. 8) Other (if any) 3. The board of directors had resolved to propose a dividen payment of Bt1 per share at the shareholders' meeting for an approval.