03 ธันวาคม 2542


F 24-1 Form for on Names of Members and Scope of Performance of the Audit Committee The board of directors meeting of Phatra Leasing Public Company Limited No 6/2542 held on 29 September 1999 passed a resolution appointing the Audit Committee with the following details : 1. Names of members of the Audit Committee are as follows: Chairman of the Audit Committee Assoc Prof. Chawalee Pongpatirochna Member of the Audit Committee Mr. Poonpipat Aungurigul Member of the Audit Committee Mr. Arpatsorn Bunnag Secretary to the Audit Committee Mr. Pipop Kunasol Certificates and Resumes of 3 members of the Audit Committee are attached hereto. 2. The Audit Committee of the Company has the scope of duties and responsibilities, and shall report to the Company's board of directors as follows: 1. To ensure the Companys Financial report is correct and reliable. 2. To ensure the Company has adequate and effective internal control system. 3. To consider, select and propose to appoint the auditor (s). 4. To ensure the Company follows all relevant regulations and laws. 5. To ensure the Company does not engage in any activities that may lead to a conflict of interest 6. To prepare the Audit Committees report for disclosure in the Company Annual Report 7. Consider other matters as assigned by yhe Board of Directors 3. The period of service for members is as follows: 3.1 Audit Committee Chairman 2 Years 3.2 Audit Committee Member 2 Years ( including the appointment and the removal of audit committee members ) We hereby confirm these Audit Committee members have the qualifications required by the Stock Exchange of Thailand (Mr.Krirkchai Siribhakdi) President