17 ธันวาคม 2544


515/2001 December 14,2001 The Managing Director The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject : Change closing time of the company share registration and additional details of the Board of Directors' Resolution We would like to inform that the closing time of the company share registration will be change and additional details of the Board of Directors' resolution as follow: 1. That the closing time of the company share registration for the right to attend the meeting and for the right to receive the dividend which will be held on January 11,2002 at former time 8.30 a.m. will be changed to 12.00 p.m. there until the meeting will close. 2.The Board of Directors meeting pass the resolution to propose to the shareholders meeting to re-elect the directors whose term will be terminated as follow : Mr. Poomchai Lamsam ,Mr. Poonpipat Aungurigul , Mr. Krirkchai Siribhakdi and also will propose one more new director names Mr.Vichai Phanchet. 3. The Board of Directors meeting pass the resolution to propose to the shareholders meeting to appoint Mr. Vichien Thamtrakul, and/or Mrs.Sudchit Boonprakob and/or Ms. Wipa Jindanuwat of SGV-Na Thalang & Co., Ltd to be company's auditors with auditor fee at Baht 525,000. For your records and information. Sincerely Yours, (Mr. Krirkchai Siribhakdi) President