13 กันยายน 2548
Form of Report to the Exchang ofResults of Sale Shares
Form of Report to the Exchange of the Results of the Sale of Shares
Phatra Leasing Company Limited
13 September 2005
1. Information relating to the share offering
Category of shares offered Ordinary shares
Number of shares offered 150,000,000 ordinary shares
Offered to Existing shareholders
Price per share 2.30 Baht
Subscription and payment period 29 August 2005 to
2 September 2005
2. Results of the sale of shares:
[ ] totally sold out
[/ ] partly sold out, with 2,630,431 shares remaining.
The company will deal with the remaining shares as follows :
( According to the Annual General Shareholders Meeting for
the year 2005 approved, In case there are remaining shares
as a result of the determination of subscription ratio and/or
unsubscribed shares remaining from the subscription by the existing
shareholders, the Board of Directors shall have the power and
discretion to offer such remaining shares to existing shareholders
proportionately to their shareholding )
3. Details of the sale
Thai investors Foreign investors Total
Juristic Natural Juristic Natural
persons persons persons persons
Number of persons 29 897 1 8 935
Number of shares 79,723,900 67,151,869 16,000 477,800 147,369,569
Percentage of total
shares offered for sale 54.10 45.57 0.01 0.32 100.00
4. Amount of money received from the sale of shares
Total amount 338,950,008.70 Baht
Less expenses
( New shares Subscription
Agent Fee ) 481,500.00 Baht
Net amount received 338,468,508.70 Baht
The Company hereby certifies that the information contained in
this report is true and complete in all respects.
Signature ..................Authorized director
( Mr. Krirkchai Siribhakdi )
Signature ...................Authorized director
( Mr. Tanakorn Burunaphan)