10 มกราคม 2550
Appointment of Company's Directors and agendasof AGM 2007
No. 016/2007
January 9, 2007
The President
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Appointment of Company's Directors and agendas of the Annual
General Shareholders Meeting for the year 2007
The Board of directors' meeting of Phatra Leasing Public
Company Limited No. 6/2006 held on December 29, 2006 has passed
resolutions of new directors appointment with the following details :
1. Approved the appointment of a new director to replace a
resigned director as follows :
Mr. Tan Kia Lee Jeffrey Position Director
Effective Date January 8, 2007
2. Approved the appointment of an additional director to propose
the Annual General Shareholders Meeting for approval to as follows :
Mr. Pipop Kunasol Position Director
The Company would like to inform that the Annual General
Shareholders Meeting for the year 2007 will be held on Thursday
January 25, 2007 at 10.00 a.m. at Chareunkrung Room, Muangthai Life Assurance
Assemble Hall, Rachadaphisek Road, Huaykwang, Bangkok 10320 , to consider the
following agendas.
Agenda 1 To consider and approve of the Minutes of the Annual
General Shareholders' Meeting for the year 2006
Agenda 2 The Board of Directors to report on the year 2006 operation.
Agenda 3 To consider approving the companys' financial statements
for the year 2006
Agenda 4 To consider the allocation of net profit for legal reserves
for the year 2006 operation results.
Agenda 5 To consider the dividend payment for 2006's operation results.
Agenda 6 To consider and appoint the directors to replace those
due to retire by rotation, and a new director with the
following details:
6.1 The directors due to retire by rotation were
re-appointed, namely:
Mr. Kaorop Nutchanart, Mr. Sara Lamsam and
Mr. Tan Kia Lee Jeffrey
6.2 The new director, namely:
Mr. Pipop Kunasol
Agenda 7 To consider the directors' remuneration .
Agenda 8 To consider the appointment of the auditors and the fixing
of aditors' remuneration. The Meeting passed a resolution
to appoint Mr. Viroj Jindamaneepitak, Registration No. 3565
and/or Ms. Kalyarat Chaivorapongsa, Registration No. 3460
and/or Mr. Charoen Phosamritlert Registration No. 4048
of KPMG Phoomchai Audit Ltd., as the Company's auditors
for the year 2007. The auditors' remuneration was fixed
at Baht 840,000.
Agenda 9 To consider other issues (if any)
For your kind attention accordingly.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Krirkchai Siribhakdi