29 มกราคม 2551
Resolutions appointing the Audit Committee
No. 052/2008
January 29, 2008
The President
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Report on the Board of Directors' Meeting of the Audit Committee
The Board of directors' meeting of Phatra Leasing Public Company
Limited passed resolutions appointing the Audit Committee with the following
details :
The Audit Committee has 2-year tenure, consisting of:
Remaining terms of
holding office
Chairman of the Audit Committee Asso.Prof. Chawalee
Pongpatirochana 2 years
Audit Committee Mr. Arpatsorn Bunnag 2 years
Audit Committee Mr. Poonpipat Aungurigul 2 years
Secretary of the Audit Committee Mr. Pipop Kunasol
Scope of Authority of the Audit Committee
The Board of Directors determined scope of powers and duties of Audit
Committee as follows:
1. Ensuring financial statements of the Company are correct and reliable
2. Ensuring the Company maintains appropriate and effective internal
control system.
3. Considering, selecting and nominating auditors for the Company
4. Ensuring the Company's compliance with related regulations and laws.
5. Preventing conflict of interest.
6. Preparing business supervision report.
7. Performing other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.
The Company hereby certifies that the aforementioned members meet all
the qualifications prescribed by the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
For your kind attention accordingly.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Krirkchai Siribhakdi