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Minutes of the Resolutions AGM 2/2010

No. 300/2010 April 27, 2010 To: The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Minutes of the Resolutions Annual General Meeting of shareholders of the year 2/2010 At the Annual General Meeting of shareholders of Phatra Leasing Public Company Limited for 2/2010, held on April 27, 2010 at 14.00 p.m., at Suepa Room, Muangthai Life Assurance Assemble Hall, Rachadaphisek Road, Huaykwang, Bangkok, the resolutions were as follows : 1. Adopted with respect to Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the year 2010 2. Acknowledged the Board of Directors' report the results of business operation of the Company for the year 2009 (Oct-Dec 2009). 3. The Meeting resolved to approve the company's financial statements for the year 2009 (Oct-Dec 2009). 4. The Meeting resolved to pay yearly dividend at the rate of Baht 0.07 per share to the shareholders whose name appeared in the share register back on March 12, 2010 by fixing payments date on May 11, 2010. 5. The Meeting resolved to appoint directors to replace the directors who retired by rotation as follow: 1. Mr.Poomchai Lamsam Vice Chairman/Chairman of the Remuneration and Selection Committee 2 Asso.Prof. Chawalee Pongpatirochna Independent Director/Chairman of the Audit Committee 3 Mr. Poonpipat Aungurigul Independent Director/ Audit Committee 4 Mr. Krirkchai Siribhakdi Director "And to fix the authorized signatories is Mr. Photipong Lamsam, Mr. Poomchai Lamsam, Mr. Sara Lamsam, Mrs. Nualpan Lamsam, Mr. Tan Kia Lee Jeffrey,Mr. Krirkchai Siribhakdi, Mr. Ed Sirivallop, Mr. Pipop Kunasol By conditions 2 authorized directors co-signatories with the Company's seal " 6. The Meeting allocated the Directors' remuneration for the year end 2009 (Oct-Dec 2009).totaling Baht 1,560,000.-. 7. The Meeting resolved to appoint the auditors and the fixing of auditors'remuneration. The Meeting passed a resolution to appoint Mr. Winid Silamongkol,Registration No. 3378 and/or Mr. Viroj Jindamaneepitak, Registration No. 3565 and/or Ms. Pantip Gulsantihamrong, Registration No. 4208 of KPMG Phoomchai Audit Ltd., as the Company's auditors for the year 2010 (Jan - Dec 2010). The auditors' remuneration was fixed at Baht 1,100,000.- Please be informed accordingly, Sincerely yours, (Mr. Pipop Kunasol) President